Further information
The National Maritime Museum Collections
Harrison, Jonathan Betts, National Maritime Museum 2007
Longitude, Dava Sobel, Penguin 1996
The Illustrated Longitude, Dava Sobel and William J H Andrewes, Fourth Estate 1998
Time Restored - The Harrison Timekeepers and RT Gould, the man who knew (almost) everything, Jonathan Betts OUP and NMM 2006
John Harrison, Humphrey Quill, Baker, 1966
Ships, Clocks and Stars – the Quest for Longitude, Richard Dunn & Rebekah Higgitt, Collins (in association with the NMM’s Longitude Exhibition 2014)
Thanks to the staff of John Harrison C of E Primary School for assisting with the research and for permission to reproduce some of the pupils’ original writing and drawing.
Especial thanks to Frances Kelly who worked so creatively and tirelessly with the children and brought out the best in a wonderful class: Y6 2013-14.

Thanks also to Better Barrow Community Project for initiating and managing the project and to the Heritage Lottery Fund for enabling it to happen.