Questions for John Harrison expert, Andrew King
These are the questions that Y6 pupils devised before meeting Andrew King. Others emerged during the sessions spent with him.
Life and work in Barrow
- Why did he come to Barrow?
- Did he go to school? Drop out?
- How did he make the clocks?
- Where did he make his first clock?
- How did he learn to make the clocks?
- What materials did he use?
- Was his first clock displayed?
- Why did he go to London?
- Where was he born?
- What was his childhood like?
- Who were his family?
- Why did his brother help him? How?
- Where / how did he die?
- Any Harrison descendants / gene continue?
Solving Longitude
- Why was longitude a problem?
- When was he given the money?
- How did he sort longitude?
- What was the difference between h4 and k1?
- What did the clocks look like?
- Where are the original clocks?
- Why wasn't he given all the money first time he made a clock?
- Why did he carry on?
- Why did he want to? Inspired by?
- Did he do it for the money - or to help?